Autographers Arrive!

by Cameron Butt

It’s time to start life-logging!

After weeks of anticipation, we were assigned little boxes containing brand new shiny Autographers last Thursday.


I snapped a few photos on my phone while Isaac and Chris peeled back various bits of shrink-wrap and untwisted twist ties. Notice Isaac posing with his trademark shrug of skepticism, Chris beside him, frowning at the thought of accidentally recording the most secret parts of his life. Then there’s me, happily invisible behind the camera, chuckling at our fascinating group dynamic.IMG_0037

Though Chris was the first to clip the machine to his (very cool, by the way) T-shirt, we decided Isaac should be the first to take the thing home since he was going on an adventurous hike the next day. I’m very much looking forward to seeing a hundred photos of his feet trekking through the wilderness.IMG_0041

In other news, our colleague Kaitlyn Holbein wore her group’s Autographer to the pub after our seminar had finished. Weirdly, we all remember having much more fun than the Autographer evidence suggests. Check out her blog post here.