Rhetoric: An Aide-Mémoire

by Cameron Butt

Well, it was quite a week leading up to yesterday’s student conference, “Rhetoric: An Aide-Mémoire.” But we managed to put together a pretty strong presentation, generating a lot of discussion (always a good sign). Which means it’s time to put Circle to bed, at least until the new year.

Though Isaac was absolutely drowning in deadlines this week (we also presented papers yesterday for our rhetoric course), we did manage to build a pretty good-looking Circle framework in time for Thursday’s seminar/dinner party (https://web.uvic.ca:8443/~cambutt/circle).  We also managed to put our heads together via Google Docs to co-write a presentation script. Mega kudos to Chris for getting us started with a detailed skeleton, as well as pruning the prose on Friday, while Isaac and I had our heads buried in rhetoric essays.

Looking back on the term, it’s quite a relief to have this object under wraps. There were definitely days when we weren’t sure how it would all come together, but it did. It would have been nice to have a functional network, though. Too bad that’s so complicated to do. Oh well. Patience is a virtue.

Just one more thing to do now: write an essay that comprises everything we communicated yesterday. Too bad we can’t co-write this one, too, eh guys? I think we make a fine team.